Thursday 18 June 2015


I got woken up by the cats scratching at my bedroom door, normally they sleep out in the family room at night but someone let them into the hallway.  I lay there awake, feeling crook with this cold I am fighting and for some reason thought of the wine that is in the garage.  E took it out there rather than throw it away as Husband likes a glass of red and I use the white in cooking.  I imagined myself going out there (in the cold and rain) opening up the garage door and disturbing the dog who sleeps out there in his kennel, and getting a bottle of the red.  I imagined pouring a glass and drinking it, thinking it would help me go back to sleep and ease my scratchy throat and cough.  What the fuck?  I have had zero interest in drinking for nearly three weeks.  I eventually went back to sleep and woke up feeling okay, yet a bit tired, this morning.  I am going to tell E about it and get her to throw it all away.  I had a half a bottle of the red in the kitchen after using some of it in a pasta sauce, and asked Josh to take it away as I didn't want to look at it.  He has it in his room so will get him to throw that away as well.  I didn't think I would be tempted, and I am surprised that I was but it is what it is, and alcoholism seems to have a mind and life of its own.  If there is no booze on the premises it will make it a LOT harder for me to relapse as I will have to buy it in this small town and risk being seen and found out.  Not that I think I would do that, but I also didn't think I would lie awake imagining myself drinking again at 3.30am!

I am slowly getting this house in order after so long of neglecting it.  I cleaned out the kitchen fridge and the pantry yesterday, and threw away bags of out of date food.  I want to slowly go through the house, drawers, cupboards, everything and get it ship shape. I feel so much better when things are neat and tidy and the house is running smoothly.

My itchiness is subsiding and the headaches aren't so frequent.  I am using pain killers, probably too much, but it's better than drinking and I will cut back on those as I feel better.  Not eating quite so much either and being mindful of what I am putting into my body. 

It's raining here, great for the farmers as it came just at the right time for the crops, but it's making getting washing dry a bit difficult but I will manage.  I can't believe how much energy I have and how excited I am about being able to do all the things I have been putting off while in a drunken state for so long.  (I think I need to get out more).


  1. We have no alcohol in the house, which makes it much easier!
    Getting the house in order feels so good!

  2. Getting house in order is on my mind. It's been neglected what seems forever. I just hope I get some energy to clean it. There is so much I need to do. So much wasted time.
    Stumbled over your blog by an accident. Read everything you posted. You are doing great!
